Introducing Checkfront + Expedia Local Expert™

By Erick Tomaliwan

Booking ManagementBooking Management

A pair of hands pointing to a map and writing notes.

As of today, Checkfront users can officially connect their Checkfront inventory with Expedia Local Expert™, to provide Expedia users with real-time booking availability.

Expedia Local Expert (LX) is a travel distribution channel built to be a one-stop resource for travellers to find and book tours, activities, and other destination experiences.

When a booking is made through Expedia LX, your inventory availability, customer details, and booking calendar are all instantly updated. Your staff will never have to deal with manual re-entry, double bookings, or over-bookings from LX.

Expedia LX is so much more than just a distribution channel, they also provide powerful marketing programs to support tour and activities operators in expanding their reach and finding their customers at every stage of the buying cycle.

Beyond allowing travel shoppers to book tours and activities in addition to their flight and hotel, Expedia is developing destination landing pages full of information about the destination, top ten lists and, of course, more booking options.

Travel shoppers are also sent emails and prompts directly to mobile devices on nearby things to do based on the GPS location of their device.

More than 100 major hotels around the world are leasing lobby space to Expedia LX, where local employees can educate hotel guests on tours, activities, and destination experiences in person.

Ready to streamline your booking process with Checkfront +
Expedia Local Expert?

With our new integration you will…

Increase your bookings

Leverage Expedia’s powerful marketing programs to expand your reach and meet new customers at every stage of the travel lifecycle. With Checkfront + Expedia Local Expert, new customers will be able to book items you have listed within the Expedia ecosystem.

Decrease administration

Using the Checkfront + Expedia Local Expert integration, customers get access to your real-time inventory availability. When a customer completes a booking through Expedia Local Expert, your inventory within Checkfront is updated automatically – eliminating the risk of double booking that comes with manually updating inventory.

Automate your channel management

Save time and ensure no detail is overlooked with the Checkfront + Expedia Local Expert integration. All bookings completed through Expedia Local Expert are automatically added into your Checkfront database, including customer information, booking details and sales metrics. Learn more about OTA management here.

P.S. You can start using Expedia Local Expert with Checkfront today! 

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Online bookings. Flexible pricing. Outstanding support.